Universal Device Programmers
Universal Device Programmers are supporting a wide range of devices and semiconductor vendors. This kind of programming equipment dominates the market. Alternative specialized programmers are applied in limited area of low cost, strictly dedicated to one type of components, solutions
WG Electronics as an authorized distributor of worldwide known brands - manufacturers of device programmers, invites you to visit web pages dedicated to the offer of our partners in area of universal programmers.
• In-socket manual and automated, single- and multi-site programmers
• In-System Programmers
• SD Cards and USB Sticks Copiers
Universal Device Programmers today are designed as an universal hardware. In case of in-socket programmers they are based on maximum number of universal pin drivers and in case of in-system programmers on maximum number of universal access channels. They can be adapted to the new devices on software way. So, the number of universal pin drivers or access channels is the key to make the right choice of programming equipment in consideration to current and future requirements. Too small number can limit programmer evolution possibilities.
Also important is a brand of the manufacturer and the pricing strategy for updating/upgrading. From one side the manufacturer must have access to technical specifications of programming algorithms. These are not today commonly published by silicon vendors, only shared with selected reputable programmers producers.
From second side only global players are able to ensure free of chargé a wide range of algorithms and reasonable prices for unique ones.
Often declared by programmers’ manufacturers number and the list of supported devices is a good criteria for choice. Also important is programming speed so critical for modern huge capacity memories.
WG Electronics is supporting customers on base of over 25 years of our own experience in developing, production and distribution of device programmers and on base of experience of our partners – lead manufacturers of programing equipment.